Maria Cardenas patient



How to keep your skin beautiful this winter season!

Healthy Skin

With winter approaching the cold weather often takes a toll on our skin. The chilly weather and low humidity often leads to dry air, which removes moisture from our skin. We have listed a few tips to help you maintain healthy beautiful skin this chilly winter season.

Healthy Skin Routine:

  • Drink plenty of water- our bodies need to stay hydrated from the inside out.
  • Exfoliate- to remove dead skin cells and unclog our pores. Use a homemade or store bought scrub.
  • Facials- 2-3 times per week, this will help with your completion.
  • Apply body lotion to damp skin to trap and lock in the moisture.
  • Use a humidifier- the heating systems throughout our homes often dry out the air, you may use a humidifier to put moisture back in the air and help prevent chapped, itchy, dry skin.

Healthy Skin

Homemade scrub ingredients:

  • Coconut oil
  • Brown Sugar
  • Dash of honey

Most important of all take care of yourself!

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